Bostitch NZ

Naming Nails - SKU Breakdown

Coil nails may be called either F or N, followed by a series of numbers & letters, these make up the unique SKU code.

F is the abbreviation for Flat Angle Coil and is used for nails with a diameter between 2.5 mm. and 3.1 mm. These nails are for use in the N71C, N89C, N400C.

N is the old designation that the nails are intended for pneumatic nailers and they have diameters ranging from 2.03 to 3.1 mm. These nails are intended for use in the old N55, N58C, N63C, N64C and Models Roll 50, 60, 70, etc.

S, KN, BRT, RH & MCN are all Stick nails and these variable collation types fit in specific model/s of tools:

  • S nails are Clipped Head Wire Welded Nails, which fit in Standard models: N80S, F28WW.
  • KN nails are Round Head Plastic Collated Nails, which only fit model: KN85PP.
  • BRT nails are Round Head Plastic Collated Nails, for us in Berta models.
  • RH nails are Round Head Plastic Collated Nails, for use in the model F21PL.
  • PT nails are Clipped Head Paper Tape Collated Nails, for use in model: F33PT and other Paper Tape Tools.
  • MCN nails are Round Head Plastic Collated Nails, for use in Metal Connector Nailers.

This wide range of stick nail abbreviations are again followed by a series of numbers & letters that make up the unique SKU code.

In most cases the following three digits give the diameter of the shank without the decimal point. For example a nail with diameter 3.1 mm would be:

SKU: F310

The next are digits showing the characteristics of the shank: R for Ring Shank, S for Screw Shank or SP for Spiral Shank. So if we want our example to become a ring nail we add R:

SKU: F310R

(Smooth nails have no characteristic digits)

Fastener length - Next are two or three numbers showing the length of the nail in mm. Our Previous example, if it were 90 mm long and Ring Shank would be:

SKU: F310R90

Finish /coating or material - The characteristics are as follows:
G8, BG, G50, BG, etc.
If our example was needed in a 8 micron finish we would add G8 to our code:

SKU: F310R90G8

Point profile - These are next in the sequence which make up the SKU code. They and are identifiable in the SKU as follows: FP, BP, CP, BCP. So if we require our sample to have a Blunt Chisel Point profile we must add BCP:


Coil size - the next part of the SKU code in the sequence. Larger coils known as jumbo are available, these coils have different quantities of nails depending on the type of nails. For a jumbo coil containing 1000 nails the sequence would be J1 and for a coil of 900 nails J9. So if our example was available in a jumbo coil we would see a code like this:


Coil profile - nails which are to fit in Stanley Atro models: Roll 32, Roll 50, 60, 70 and above also have two final digits to signify their type: AT. The AT suffix is only applicable to nails for use in tool models of the Roll series. So if our example was to run in a Roll series tool it would have a final suffix AT: