Key Elements: Angle & Pitch
Nail Angle

When we talk about the nail angle we are talking about the number of degrees from the vertical. In other words, a 15 degree angle means that the nails seem to lean back from the vertical by 15 degrees.
The angle at which the nails are collated is important. Nails which are angled can be used in tools with magazines that are less bulky and make the tool easier to use in tight corners. Bostitch coil nails are angled 15-16 degrees.
There are some Bostitch nails that are zero degrees. Round head stick nails are generally angled by 21 degrees. There are some angled only 17 degrees and these require different tools to drive them. Bostitch stick nails also vary in collation angle- from 21° for plastic collated, 28° for wire-weld and finally 33° for papertape collated stick nails.

Pitch is the term for the distance between the nails. Since clipped head stick nails, brads, finish nails and pins are in contact with each other this term is not used. For all other types of nails, the pitch is the distance from the centre of one nail to the centre of the next.
There are three different pitches of coil nails used by Bostitch and Bostitch Atro. In the first type, (originally known as N nails), the diameters range from 2.0 to 2.5 mm and the pitch is smaller, i.e. the nails are closer together and, very importantly, the nails are welded together higher up the shank. These nails are used primarily in the N58C and Roll 60.
The second category, known as FAC nails, are welded with a greater pitch, i.e. the nails are further apart and welded further down the shanks. These nails are used in a wide range of tools, from the N71C (RHC700) to the N512C. The third type is used exclusively by the Bostitch Atro Roll 32. Here the nails are welded very close together and at 0 degress instead of the standard 15 degress used throughout the rest of the range.
Warnings when marrying fasteners to tools and applications.
Just because a tool’s magazine happens to be at a certain angle of degrees, it cannot be assumed that nails which are at the same angle will run safely in the tool.
The factors mentioned above such as head size, pitch, shank diameter and collation type can all affect the compatibility of nails in any machine.
Stanley Fastening tools and fasteners are developed as a single compatible safe working unit, unless specified. Emphasise this point to anyone considering using non-Bostitch fasteners unless otherwise specified. -
Don’t make specific recommendations or claims when recommending or supplying any fasteners. If the fastener finish or material has certain properties then a certificate will be found inside each box of fasteners detailing the specification of the fastener.
If you or your customer require more information regarding the grade of material used or properties of a particular fastener then please contact your local Stanley Technical department for further information.